Previous early diagnosis research conferences

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Cancer Research UK has hosted conferences on early diagnosis research for the past 10 years. They have covered a broad range of early diagnosis themes and have attracted people from across the early diagnosis community.
The fifth Early Diagnosis research conference took place on the 11th – 13th February 2019 and was held in Birmingham for the first time.
The theme for the 2019 early diagnosis research conference was: “10 years on: Accelerating early diagnosis into practice”.
The 2019 conference also hosted an awards ceremony for the first time. 4 awards were nominated and voted for by the conference delegates.
Winners of the 2019 Early Diagnosis Research Conference awards
To catch up on everything that happened at the 2019 conference, you can read the highlights report here.
The fourth Early Diagnosis research conference was held on 23rd - 24th February 2017 in central London.
The theme for the 2017 early diagnosis research conference was: Investigating, Innovating and Implementing.
The Third National Awareness and Early Diagnosis Initiative (NAEDI) research conference was held on 26th - 27th March 2015 in central London.
To hear more about one of our Cancer Research UK funded speakers, see the interview below with Dr Laura Marlow (University College London) about her work.
Interview with Dr Laura Marlow
Slides - Day 1
Harpal Kumar, CEO, Cancer Research UK - Improving Outcomes: the role of early diagnosis
Professor Willie Hamilton, University of Exeter - Cancer diagnosis: in the GP's consulting room
Slides - Day 2
Professor David Weller, University of Edinburgh - Research across the NAEDI pathway
Professor Una MacLeod, University of Hull - Preventing emergency presentations
Professor Jane Wardle, University College London - Screening and reducing barriers to uptake
Dr Anne Helme, Cancer Research UK – Cancer Research UK early diagnosis funding opportunities
Expert panel poster winner: Dr Steve Smith (University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire)
Expert panel poster runner-up: Dr Gary Abel (University of Cambridge)
Patient panel poster winner: Dr Laura Zwaan (VU University Medical Center, Netherlands)
"Looking without seeing or not believing your eyes? An eye-tracking study on diagnosing X-rays"
Patient panel poster runners-up
Dr Katriina Whitaker (University of Surrey) - "What drives a cancer attribution?"
The Second National Awareness and Early Diagnosis Initiative (NAEDI) research conference was held on 17th April 2013 at the Cambridge Research Institute.
Download the details of the second NAEDI research conference April 2013
The First National Awareness and Early Diagnosis Initiative (NAEDI) research conference was held on 17th - 18th February 2011 in central London.
Download details of the first NAEDI research conference February 2011