Health professional
Cancer Research UK supports GPs to deliver best practice
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Comprehensive resources for professionals
Keep up to date with the latest statistics, evidence and information on diagnosing, treating and preventing cancer.
You can also find professional tools and early diagnosis campaigns and activities that can support your work.
Our reports and publications
Explore a selection of reports and publications from the experts at Cancer Research UK, and through various collaborations.
Topics include: summaries of the state of cancer, projections, risk factors and preventability, symptom awareness investigation, intervention success, barrier identification, treatments received and more.
Our research projects
Cancer Intelligence combines analytical, research, evaluation and behaviour science expertise to deliver high quality intelligence to support CRUK’s ambition to see 3 in 4 people survive their cancer for 10 years or more by 2034, and to reduce the incidence of cancer.
We collect, analyse and interpret data across the cancer pathway, both in house and in partnership with PHE.
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