'Breast cancer in women over 70' campaign: Campaign evaluation

Be Clear on Cancer logo breast cancer in women over 70 campaign

Campaign Materials

Breast Cancer briefing sheets and marketing materials (e.g. leaflets and posters) are available on the resources and tools page.

Download campaign materials

Information on this page aims to share the results of the first national ‘breast cancer in women over 70’ campaign, and local and regional pilots, which may be helpful to those preparing for the national campaign or interested in the impact of Be Clear on Cancer on breast cancer referral and survival outcomes.

A national ‘breast cancer in women over 70’ campaign ran across England from February to March 2014.

When comparing Feb-April 2012 with Feb-April 2014^, the results for women aged 70 and over show:

  • 64%+ increase in 2 Week Wait (2WW) referrals for suspected breast cancer and a 75%increase in non-suspected breast cancer symptoms (combined referrals, 67%+ increase).
  • 25%+ increase in the number of breast cancers diagnosed via a 2WW referral.*

When taking other routes to diagnosis into account (including breast screening), the total number of women aged over 70, diagnosed with breast cancer following the campaign, increased by 31%+ (comparing March-May 2012 with March-May 2014).

Local pilots ran from January-March 2012, the regional pilot ran January-March 2013, therefore 2012 was used as a base year for the referral data. 2011 has been used for the screening data comparisons due to a three year screening round.

+ The result is statistically significant

* Combined results for both the suspected breast cancer and non-suspected breast cancer referrals

A regional ‘breast cancer in women over 70’ pilot campaign ran across the Midlands from January to March 2013. Research after the campaign identified a significant uplift in the belief that one in three women who get breast cancer are aged over 70, from 16% to 25%.

When comparing the campaign period with the same time the previous year, the results for women aged 70 and over were as follows:

  • 11%+ increase in 2WW referrals for both suspected breast cancer and non-suspected breast cancer symptoms within the regional pilot campaign area, compared with 5%+ increase seen in control areas.
  • 7%+ increase in the number of breast cancer cases diagnosed following a 2WW referral for suspected breast cancer or non-suspected breast cancer symptoms in the regional pilot area.

+ The result is statistically significant

Seven local projects focusing on raising awareness of the symptoms of breast cancer in women aged 70 and over, ran from January to March 2012. These projects covered Lambeth, Lewisham, Southwark, Brent and Harrow, Sheffield, Doncaster, Barnsley, Rotherham, Bassetlaw, Brighton and Hove, Medway, Berkshire East and West, and Lancashire and South Cumbria.

When comparing the campaign period with the same time the previous year, the results for women aged 70 and over show:

  • 8% increase in 2WW referrals for both non-suspected breast cancer symptoms and suspected breast cancer in the pilot area compared with 5% increase in the control area.
  • 4% increase in the number of breast cancers diagnosed following a 2WW referral for non-suspected breast cancer symptoms in the pilot area compared with a 2% increase in the control area.

Download a Be Clear on Cancer Evaluation Summary 2014 

Be Clear on Cancer statement

Be Clear on Cancer was a cancer awareness campaign led by Public Health England, working in partnership with the Department of Health and NHS England. This page contains links to documents that we hope you find useful. Please note however that the views or opinions expressed within those links are not necessarily those of Cancer Research UK. 

Last reviewed