Your Cancer Research UK Virtual Goody Bag

scotland cancer centre


Welcome to your virtual goody bag! We hope you enjoy this goody bag as much as we did putting it together for you, including handpicked health information, discounts and resources that demonstrate the impact of our life-saving research in your local area. 




Cancer Chat was launched in 2008 and is a moderated discussion forum run by Cancer Research UK where you can talk to others affected by cancer, share experiences and get support. 

If you're affected by cancer, whether you have cancer, or you're a family member or friend of someone with cancer, it can be valuable to talk to people who have had similar experiences.  

Cancer Chat is here for you whenever – and wherever – you need it. 

Sometimes just knowing that someone has survived having had cancer, has survived losing someone close to cancer, or is living a quality life with cancer, is enough to bring a glimmer of hope to people in what can be very dark days and long nights.


What your money can buy

  • Cancer Nurse Helpline: It costs £50,000 to fund one of our Cancer Nurses and their amazing work with people affected by cancer for one year. 
  • Scotland Institute: It costs £52,000 to fund a research group at the Scotland Institute for one week. 
  • Clinical Trials: Finding new ways to treat aggressive brain tumours - £40,300 could fund Dr Steven Pollard’s research into finding glioblastoma, an aggressive type of brain cancer for one month. 
  • Lab Research: Detecting Pancreatic cancer early - £113,000 could fund Dr Jennifer Morton’s work on early detection of pancreatic cancer for one year. 

Click below to find out more about what how we use donations to fund life-saving research.

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