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Our opening hours are:
8am – 8pm Monday to Friday
9am – 5pm Saturday and Sunday
We are closed on Tuesdays from 2 – 3pm for staff training.
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Phone us
Our telephone number is 0300 123 1022
Our opening hours are:
8am – 8pm Monday to Friday
9am – 5pm Saturday and Sunday
For cancer related questions, please contact our nurses.
Email us
For general enquiries, email us on
We aim to respond to your email within three to five working days. If your question is of a scientific nature, the response could be up to 30 days.
Write to us
Write to:
Cancer Research UK
PO BOX 1561
Oxford OX4 9GZ
Contact us by live chat, phone or email for a quicker response.
If you haven't heard from us after 10 working days, please use live chat or phone us.