ACE Programme Compendium - lung cancer variation
Welcome to the ACE Programme's lung cancer variation compendium
Here you can explore our pathway work to further understand and tackle inequalities in lung cancer outcomes.
Interactive Resource
An interactive resource to inspire conversation on variation across the lung cancer pathway

Our case of need
Outlining our Wave 3 objectives and the importance of tackling variation in lung cancer outcomes.
Case studies:
To assess if the implementation of a structured patient ‘first touch approach’ has a positive impact on the uptake of more curative treatment

Explores pathway arrangements that help increase the active treatment options offered to complex patients often regarded borderline fit for therapy. For example, prehabilitation
Coming soon

A blog post by on the importance of variation when tackling lung cancer in the UK
A word from Mick Peake
Despite improvements in one and five-year survival for lung cancer, unacceptable variation in patient treatment and outcomes persist across England and the UK. Such variation can, for example, be driven by differences in timely referral and accessing diagnostics or treatment regimens. While some variation is natural, some is unwarranted and more can be done to ensure there is an improved and consistent service offered across the nations regardless of age, gender, socio economic status, ethnicity or where a patient is diagnosed and treated.
This on-going compendium of work from Cancer Research UK’s ACE Programme seeks to highlight and address some of this imbalance. Designed for healthcare professionals working across the lung pathway, it has one common goal – to improve the outcomes and experience of care for patients diagnosed with lung cancer.
The variety of resources available - reports, case studies, interactive resources, short videos – will help you begin conversations with your colleagues regarding the issues which are prominent in your locality. Factors ranging from the configuration and coordination of services, how healthcare professionals and patients can influence variation and the availability of resources are all explored in detail. The compendium will constantly be added to so do make sure you check back regularly for updates.
Having worked with ACE on this activity for the past couple of years, it is great to see it come together. Please do let us know any feedback by emailing
Professor Michael D Peake OBE
Specialist Clinical Advisor, Cancer Research UK
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Printable PDFThis compendium is also available as a printable PDF |
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