Treatment and other post-diagnosis issues

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Standardised SACT regimen-specific consent forms to support clinicians in ensuring all patients are fully informed when consenting to SACT.
Information for GPs and Practice Nurses on treatments that use the immune system to destroy cancer.
Detailed information on different types of cancer treatment for each cancer type.
We're monitoring innovation in radiotherapy and where action is needed to support adoption and implementation.
ICBP develops briefings, research and policy tools and other resources to help deliver the best outcomes for cancer patients.
Comprehensive information about cancer drugs, combination treatments and their side effects.
How cancer patients in England could be better informed about the use of their data in cancer registration, and their choices.
Our clinical trials database aims to list all cancer trials and studies recruiting in the UK. It also has details of closed trials and trial results.
Quick and easy calculators and guidelines for clinicians investigating and managing pulmonary nodules.
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Newsletters targeted at health professionals which provide intelligence to support evidence-based decision making and updates on our activities, as well as our bespoke GP newsletter which includes best practice guidance, practical tools and expert resources.
Explore a selection of reports and publications from the experts at Cancer Research UK, and through various collaborations.
Topics include: summaries of the state of cancer, projections, risk factors and preventability, symptom awareness investigation, intervention success, barrier identification, treatments received and more.
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