Mortality 2019 updates

The latest available UK cancer mortality information (covering 1971 to 2019) is now live over on our Cancer Statistics pages. As the only provider of UK-level cancer mortality and incidence stats, we always do our best to make sure what we produce is accurate, detailed and useful.

Below we have some overview infographics for mortality across the UK based on the most recent data, and a full rundown of all the updates we have made to the pages.

Cancer mortality for all cancers combined

Deaths  Proportion of UK deaths Trends over time
Deaths from cancer, 2017-2019, UK. Cancer causes more than one in four of all deaths, 2020, UK. Change in cancer mortality rates since the early 1970s, UK


Cancer mortality for common cancers

Common cancers Male Female
Almost half of all cancer deaths are lung, bowel, breast or prostate cancer, 2017-2019, UK Almost half of all cancer deaths in males are from lung, prostate or bowel cancer, 2017-2019, UK Almost half of all cancer deaths in females are from lung, breast or bowel cancer, 2017-2019, UK

We have now updated our Cancer Statistics pages relating to mortality with the latest available data (covering 1971 – 2019).

What’s changed?

Mortality landing page: ‘at a glance graphic’, mortality by age key stats (except trends by age).

Cancer mortality by age: Age ‘at a glance graphic’, Cancer mortality by age, most common cause of cancer death by age in males, most common cause of cancer death by age in females.

headline key stats, in-depth content for trends over time for all cancers combined and age

All cancer types: mortality key stats, ‘at a glance graphic’, mortality trends over time in-depth content, mortality by age key stats on the landing pages, ‘at a glance graphic’ and mortality by age in-depth content on the mortality page.

Types updated: Anus, Bladder, Bone sarcoma, Bowel, Brain, Breast invasive, Cervix invasive, CUP, Child’s, Eye, Gallbladder, Head and Neck, Hodgkin lymphoma, Kidney, Leukaemia, Leukaemia (ALL), Leukaemia (AML), Leukaemia (CLL), Leukaemia (CML), Liver, Lung, Melanoma Skin, Myeloma, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Oesophagus, Ovary, Pancreas, Penis, Prostate, Small intestine, Stomach, Testis, Thyroid, Uterus, Vagina, Vulva, YPs.

No data: Breast (in situ), Cervix (in situ)

Not updated (because it’s from a different source): Mesothelioma, Soft tissue sarcoma

Not updated (because of historic changes in coding): NMSC

Last reviewed

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