Policy and Practice

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The findings from ICBP research have had considerable impact on policy and practice internationally. The collaborative nature of ICBP has led to many instances of knowledge exchange and the adoption of similar practice internationally - such attributes are core to the benefits of the partnership.
To date, the ICBP has provided evidence which has informed cancer plans, evidenced public awareness campaigns, driven innovative new care pathways and improved cancer data completeness across partner jurisdictions. An Impact Report detailing such developments is available below.
- The ICBP provided new evidence for cancer plans and identified priorities for new initiatives.
- We confirmed evidence underpinning public awareness campaigns.
- We contributed evidence for the ACE (Accelerate, Coordinate, Evaluate) programme, exploring innovative diagnostic referral pathways.
- We provided evidence that underpinned projects improving cancer data completeness and availability.
- The ICBP provided evidence for Scotland’s new cancer strategy ‘Beating Cancer: Ambition and Action (2016)’.
- We provided evidence to the Scottish Primary Care Cancer Group and the Scottish Clinical Imaging Network to improve direct access to imaging for primary care practitioners.
- The ICBP contributed to a lung cancer initiative to use a cross pathway approach to improve outcomes.
- Our findings prompted a study tour to Denmark, to learn more about improvements in access to diagnostics. This tour provided additional evidence to set up rapid access to diagnostics pilots in Wales.
- We provided ovarian cancer awareness evidence in Wales, which contributed to the development of the equivalent English regional ‘Be Clear on Cancer’ campaign.
- ICBP research led to the Northern Ireland Cancer Registry developing a mechanism for hospital admissions data relating to other health conditions (comorbities) to be collected.
- We also provided insights for the ‘Be Cancer Aware’ public awareness campaigns.
- Our evidence underpinned projects improving cancer data completeness and availability.
- Improvements to cancer registry practices were based on findings from the ICBP.
- Our insights informed the choice of cancers with special emphasis in The NSW Cancer Plan (2016-2020).
- The ICBP informed the Victorian Cancer Plan (2016-2020).
- Our evidence prompted a review of ovarian cancer treatment practices and the cancer registration process.
- We provided evidence supporting a state-wide implementation of an ovarian cancer optimal care pathway.
- The ICBP provided evidence which underpinned projects improving cancer data completeness and availability.
- Further analyses of ICBP data have been validated by local administrative data, deepening the understanding of the health system.
- We provided evidence to Cancer Care Ontario’s Clinical Council, which develops cancer system strategy and the provincial cancer plan.
- The ICBP provided evidence to support the establishment of a Rapid Access Clinic for lung cancer.
- Our findings prompted a programme of research into ovarian cancer.
- The ICBP increased engagement within the primary care community on topics related to cancer, particularly differences in referral to specialists.
- We confirmed evidence underpinning Manitoba’s ‘InSixty’ initiative, aimed at reducing the time cancer is first suspected to the time it is treated to 60 days or less.
- We provided a patient voice to the local cancer patient journey initiative, hearing how patients describe their successes and challenges with the system.
- Our evidence supported more user-oriented cancer care, improving diagnostic capacity and early cancer prevention as part of the Norwegian Cancer Plan (2013-2017).
- We provided evidence that confirmed to the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision that late diagnosis is a key issue in cancer care in Norway.
- ICBP-related research provided new evidence for the need for improved and targeted initiatives to enhance public awareness about melanoma.
- The ICBP provided evidence towards a major effort to reduce waiting times, with additional funding from the national government.
- Our findings provided a stimulus for a continued focus on improvement around breast cancer.
- ICBP work contributed to the development of a colorectal cancer patient reported experience questionnaire.
- Our research provided insights which initiated discussion about public awareness campaigns.
- Our findings contributed to a renewed assessment of data quality in the Swedish cancer register, in particular around death certificate only cases.
- We provided evidence about cancer stage distribution which underpinned a focus on earlier and faster cancer diagnosis. This is important, as it is a shared priority for politicians, policymakers, clinicians and patient advocates.
- The ICBP provided insights for public awareness campaigns and highlighted the impact of social inequalities.
- Our research provided evidence for initiatives in the third (2010) and fourth (2016) National Cancer Action Plans.
- ICBP provided evidence to support the Danish 3-legged strategy, highlighting that primary care practitioners need better and faster access to investigations.
See also
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