Our institutes
Our four core-funded research institutes provide an exceptional environment for discovery science, and have an outstanding track record including four Nobel Prize winners.
More than a third of our research spend goes to our institutes, funding over 120 research groups across the breadth of cancer science, supported by state-of-the-art facilities.
You can find out more about the Institutes and their researchers below.
Cancer Research UK Scotland Institute, Glasgow
Our Scotland Institute (formerly the Beatson Institute) carries out a programme of world-class science into understanding key aspects of cancer cell behaviour and trying to translate these discoveries into new therapies, and diagnostic and prognostic tools to help cancer patients.
Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute
Our Cambridge Institute aims to harness the scientific strengths of Cambridge to solve problems associated with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer, focusing on the practical application of high-quality basic research into patient care.
Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute
Our Manchester Institute is a leading cancer research institute within the University of Manchester, spanning the whole spectrum of cancer research - from investigating the molecular and cellular basis of cancer, to translational research and the development of therapeutics.
Francis Crick Institute, London
We support more than 40 research groups at the world-class Francis Crick Institute - the largest biomedical research institute under one roof in Europe. We have invested £100 million in this state-of-the art multidisciplinary facility, and in 2015 researchers from our former London Research Institute at Lincoln's Inn Fields and Clare Hall officially joined the partnership.
The Institute brings together scientists working across different areas of biomedical research to find innovative new ways to tackle cancer. They are investigating how cells go wrong as cancer develops, why the immune system fails to recognise tumours, understanding how cancers change in the body to become resistant to treatment and much more. Their work will lead to more effective ways of preventing and treating all types of cancer in the future.
Contact us
Dr Hanna Amelina
Research Programme Manager – Lead for CRUK Institutes
More infrastructure
More research infrastructure
We fund a network of state-of-the-art facilities at more than 80 institutions across the UK. From basic science and drug discovery to experimental medicine and clinical trials, our infrastructure enables research throughout the pipeline.
Open for business: inside the Francis Crick Institute

In 2016 the Queen opened the brand new Francis Crick Institute, home to 1,250 scientists and 250 support staff. Here, we take a glimpse behind its doors and meet some of the new inhabitants.