Our policy on preventing cancer
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Get in touch with our policy team to find out more information about our work and our policies.
We work with Government to ensure that their policies tackle the major risk factors for cancer including alcohol, obesity, diet and sun awareness.
Get in touch with our policy team to find out more information about our work and our policies.
We work to ensure that a comprehensive tobacco control plan is implemented in the UK.
We are working to tackle the unhealthy behaviour that leads to a poor diet and excessive weight. This can help reduce the risk of cancer in the UK.
We work closely with the Government to increase awareness of risks, and encourage safer behaviour in the sun for adults and children.
Tobacco is the leading cause of cancer worldwide. The research and policy work we fund aims to change this.
We commission and conduct translatable research on lifestyles and behaviours which supports policies to prevent cancer.
See all the latest and featured publications from our policy teams and and current research tenders relevant to policy.
Keep up to date with the latest statistics, evidence and information on diagnosing, treating and preventing cancer.
Our intelligence can support evidence-based decision making and there are updates on our activities, practical guidance, useful tools and resources.