Our policy on cancer services
We monitor the NHS reforms, cancer plans, cancer waiting times and a range of other measures across the UK to help ensure that patients are getting the best services they can.
Contact us
Get in touch with our policy team to find out more information about our work and our policies.
National cancer plans
It is Cancer Research UK’s position that every nation in the UK should have a cancer plan in place. We support Governments in the development of their plans and closely monitor their implementation.
Services in England
We monitor policy changes within the English NHS and try to understand their impact.
Services in Wales
We monitor the impact of policy changes on cancer services within the Welsh NHS.
Services in Northern Ireland
We monitor the impact of policy changes on cancer services in the Northern Ireland Health Service.
Services in Scotland
We monitor the impact of policy changes on cancer services in the Scottish NHS, including the implementation of the 10 year plan for cancer.
Patient data
We work to ensure that researchers have secure access to patient data which has the potential to deliver huge public benefit.
MDT meetings
Our research shows that multidisciplinary team meetings need refreshing.
Non-surgical cancer treatments workforce
Our research on the non-surgical cancer treatments workforce
Publications and research tenders
See all the latest and featured publications from our policy teams and and current research tenders relevant to policy.
Professional resources
Keep up to date with the latest statistics, evidence and information on diagnosing, treating and preventing cancer.
Our intelligence can support evidence-based decision making and there are updates on our activities, practical guidance, useful tools and resources.