Eye cancer includes different types of cancer. The type of eye cancer you have depends on the type of cell it starts in. There are different parts of the eye, and some of these are more likely to get cancer than others.

What is eye cancer?

Eye cancer includes different types of cancer. The type of cancer you have depends on the type of cell it starts in.

Symptoms of eye cancer

Eye cancer symptoms are not always obvious. It is most likely to be picked up during a routine eye test.

Risks and causes of eye cancer

Eye cancer is very rare in the UK. We know there are some possible risk factors for different types of eye cancer.

Eye cancer survival

Eye cancer is rare so statistics for eye cancer are harder to estimate.

Stages and types of eye cancer

The stage of eye cancer tells you how big it is and whether it has spread. The type tells you which type of cell the cancer started in.

Getting diagnosed with eye cancer

Your GP or optometrist will ask you about your symptoms, and they might examine you. They may arrange tests or a referral to a specialist.

Treatment for eye cancer

Your treatment depends on the type and stage of your eye cancer, and your general health.

Living with eye cancer

There is support available for you and your family during and after treatment for eye cancer.

Research and clinical trials

Read about the latest UK research looking at eye cancer.

Last reviewed: 
13 Nov 2024
Next review due: 
13 Nov 2027