CRUK Early Diagnosis Research – Virtual Events

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CRUK Early Diagnosis Research - Virtual Session Spring 2023
Registration is now closed for the CRUK Early Diagnosis Research – Virtual Session, 'Implementing risk in the diagnosis of cancer: optimising the current and innovating the future’. Chaired by Professor Jon Emery, the event showcased some of the latest research into ‘risk’ and its potential to support earlier cancer diagnosis – a key theme in CRUK’s Early Detection and Diagnosis of Cancer Roadmap. In a series of insightful talks and Q&A sessions, our expert panel discussed opportunities to optimise how risk prediction and stratification techniques are currently researched and implemented into policy and practice, with the ultimate aim of improving patient outcomes.
You can sign up to the Early Diagnosis Newsletter to read the latest on early diagnosis cancer activity and hear about future events.
Cancer Research UK Early Diagnosis Research Conferences have been hosted by the Strategic Evidence team (formerly the Early Diagnosis team) every two years since 2011. These events have provided an expert forum for professionals across the cancer community to share and debate the latest research into early diagnosis, and to identify opportunities to translate new findings into policy and best practice. Whilst circumstances over the past few years have prevented us from convening in-person conferences, we have continued to engage with the wider Early Diagnosis community on a global scale through a carefully curated, expert-led programme of virtual series and collaborative events.
Delegates have previously found the series ‘informative’ and 'interesting' to hear about ‘different perspectives of other colleagues around the table and the work they are involved in.’
Frequently asked questions
You should receive a Microsoft Teams Live link to the event one week before the event. If you have not received this, please contact the Early Diagnosis Virtual Events Team at
As soon as the next programme is confirmed it will be made available here. Our webpage is continuously updated so keep your eyes peeled. You can also follow our Twitter account @CRUKHCPs to get regular updates about upcoming events.
Yes, on Microsoft Teams Live you will be able to submit questions to the speakers via the Q & A box and we will try and get as many questions answered as possible during the Q & A sessions, however on Microsoft Teams Live the delegates will not be able to use the microphone to ask the speakers questions directly.
Before joining the session:
Have a look at our technical guide on how to access a Microsoft Teams Live event
Joining the session:
You will receive an e-mail inviting you to the session one week before the event. (Each event will have its own link). Have a look at our technical guide on how to join a Microsoft Teams Live event.
If you are having technical problems, here are some possible solutions:
- Try leaving the session and re-joining.
- If you can’t hear anything, try un-plugging and re-plugging your headphones.
- Refer to the technical guide to check you have the correct settings for Microsoft Teams Live.
- If you are unable to access the live event due to technical issues, please email the team at and we will send you the recording of the session after the event.
The events will be recorded and be available to access using the same link as the event and will be available for 180 days after the event.
Yes, you will need to be registered as on demand recordings will be accessed through the link to the event.
After the event, you will receive a summary of the Virtual Session, the link to the recording, and a link to the feedback form which we encourage you to complete to help us improve our events in the future.
If you have any questions, please contact the Early Diagnosis Virtual Events Team at
Previous Spotlight Sessions

Exploring diagnosis of cancer as an emergency: Evidence and insight from the UK and other countries - Monday 27th June 2022
Taking forward the ED&D Roadmap: A Spotlight on Target Product Profiles (TPPs) - Tuesday 14th June 2022
Public Awareness and Behaviour: A Spotlight on CAM Survey and MAINROUTE - Wednesday 9th February 2022
Previous Virtual Session
Previous Virtual Series

In February and March 2021, we ran four sessions as part of a Virtual Series on the following topics:
Cancer screening, Early Detection and Diagnosis Roadmap, Optimising the Management of Suspected Cancer in Primary Care, and Improving cancer pathways.