Taking medicines

It's important to take medicines safely and follow the instructions carefully. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist if you have any questions.

Follow instructions about taking medicines

Taking medicines at home is a common part of cancer treatment.

The medicines are much more likely to work if you follow the instructions about how to take them. But we know from research that many people don’t take them as they should.

How you take a drug by mouth can affect how much your body absorbs. So, if you don’t take it as you should, less of the drug may reach your cancer.

What affects how medicines work

Several factors affect the absorption of a drug and how well it works.

Problems with taking medicines correctly

There are many reasons why people don’t take medicines in the way they’ve been told to.

Understanding how to take your medicine

Research shows that people sometimes don’t understand exactly how to take medicines. Or that the instructions are too complicated. Ask your doctor, nurse or pharmacist to explain again. It might help to ask them to write it down.

It's also important to understand why you are taking a particular medicine and what it will mean if you don’t. If you don’t understand why you are taking a particular medicine, you are less likely to carry on taking it.

Difficulty swallowing tablets or opening packets

You might have difficulty swallowing tablets or can’t open the bottle. Let your doctor, nurse or pharmacist know. Some drugs are available in other forms, or you can have them in a different container.

Side effects

Some people may stop taking a drug if they find the side effects difficult to cope with.

There are ways to control side effects. Let your healthcare team know if you have them. They can look at ways of helping you cope with any problems.


There are things you can do to make sure you are taking your medicines as you should.

Finding out about your medicines

Find out why you are taking each drug. If you know what it’s for and how important it is, that will help you to remember.

You also need to know:

  • how you should store it
  • how long you will be taking it for
  • what the side effects are, and who you can contact if you have any problems
  • what to do if you miss a dose

Make sure you know how you should take each drug. You should know:

  • what time to take it
  • whether you can take it at the same time as other drugs
  • when to stop taking the drug
  • whether you need to take it with a full or empty stomach

We all forget to take medicines sometimes. It can help to write down when you need to take them and any instructions you need to follow.

Using a pillbox

A pillbox can be helpful if you have several different tablets to take. They have compartments for each day of the week. There are smaller compartments for different times of the day.

You fill the box once a week with your tablets, or you can get someone to do it for you.

The boxes are sometimes called monitored dose boxes. You can buy them from most pharmacies. The pharmacist will be able to offer advice.

Pill boxes are not always suitable for tablets such as chemotherapy tablets. Speak to your pharmacist first before using a pill box.

Setting an alarm

Some things can help you remember to take your medicine on time, such as:

  • setting an alarm on your watch, clock or mobile phone
  • downloading a reminder app on your mobile phone

Making a chart

You could make a chart listing all your drugs and drug times if you’re taking more than one medicine daily. This can help you to remember if you have taken your medicines. You or your carer can tick off the medicines as you take them.

Your pharmacy can also create a chart. Speak to your pharmacist if you would like a chart listing all your drugs.

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