Treatment for lung cancer
Your treatment depends on several factors. These include what type of lung cancer you have, how big it is and whether it has spread (the stage). It also depends on your general health.
A team of doctors and other professionals discuss the best treatment and care for you.
Preparing for treatment and life afterwards (prehabilitation)
There are things you can do to help you feel more in control of your health when preparing for treatment. This is called prehabilitation or prehab.
Treatment options for small cell lung cancer (SCLC)
A team of health professionals decides what treatment you might need. They also decide what treatment options you have. The type of treatment you have for small cell lung cancer will depend on the stage of your cancer.
Treatment options for non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
A team of health professionals decides what treatment you might need. They also decide what treatment options you have. The type of treatment you have for non small cell lung cancer will depend on the stage of your cancer.
Surgery for lung cancer
The type of surgery you might have depends on where in the lung your cancer is, how big it is, and your general health.
Radiotherapy for lung cancer
Radiotherapy is a common treatment for lung cancer. You usually have external radiotherapy. This means using radiation from a machine to destroy the cancer.
Chemotherapy for lung cancer
Chemotherapy uses anti cancer (cytotoxic) drugs to destroy cancer cells. You might have chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer and non small cell lung cancer.
Chemoradiotherapy for lung cancer
Chemoradiotherapy means having chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment together. You might have this as part of your treatment for small cell and non small cell lung cancer.
Targeted and immunotherapy treatment for lung cancer
Targeted cancer drugs work by targeting the differences in cancer cells that help them to grow and survive. Other drugs help the immune system to attack cancer. They are called immunotherapies.
Treating symptoms of metastatic lung cancer
There are a number of different symptoms that you might experience with advanced lung cancer. There are treatments available that can try to make you feel more comfortable.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) for lung cancer
Photodynamic therapy kills cancer cells by using a combination of a light sensitising drug and a very bright light.
Laser therapy for lung cancer
A laser is a very thin, focused beam of light that heats and destroys tissue. Lasers can focus very accurately on tiny areas.
Treatment using heat to destroy lung cancer (thermal ablation)
Ablation means to destroy. Doctors can use heat to destroy tumours that started in the lung.
Diathermy (electrocautery) for lung cancer
Diathermy treatment uses an electrical current to heat and destroy cancer cells.
Treatments to help you breathe when you have lung cancer
Metastatic lung cancer can cause problems with your breathing. Some treatments can help you breathe more easily.
Cryotherapy for lung cancer
Cryotherapy is a treatment for metastatic lung cancer that freezes cancer cells. It can shrink a tumour that is blocking an airway.
Tube to keep the airway open (airway stent)
A stent is a hollow tube that may be placed in your airway. It opens the narrowed area and helps you breathe.
Follow up after lung cancer treatment
After treatment for lung cancer, you have regular check ups at the hospital. You also have tests including blood tests, x-rays and scans.