Getting a wheelchair
There are several ways you can get a wheelchair for someone who needs one. You can borrow one from the NHS, hire one or buy your own wheelchair.
Getting a wheelchair from the NHS Wheelchair Service
The NHS Wheelchair Service provides wheelchairs to:
people who need one full time
some people who need one occasionally
Depending on your situation, the wheelchair may be free of charge. Or you may have to pay a deposit or contribute some money towards the cost of the wheelchair.
To get an NHS wheelchair, you usually need a referral to your local wheelchair service. Each service has specific instructions about who can fill in the referral form. This may have to be a health professional such as your GP or a physiotherapist. Or you may be able to refer yourself for a wheelchair.
Once the service receives the referral, an expert such as an occupational therapist will carry out an assessment. It usually takes between 2 and 6 weeks to get the assessment.
A standard wheelchair could be available within a few weeks. But timing will vary between areas. It also depends on what is in stock, if it needs to come from the manufacturer or be specially made. For some types of wheelchair it might take a few months.
The NHS Wheelchair Service will maintain and repair the chair. They will give you contact details for maintenance services and in case of any problems.
Hiring a wheelchair
You can hire a wheelchair if you need one for a short time or aren’t entitled to an NHS wheelchair.
Voluntary organisations and private businesses have hire schemes. It’s worth shopping around, as the cost can vary.
British Red Cross
The British Red Cross allows you to hire wheelchairs. Their wheelchairs cost about £22 a week to hire. They might also be able to deliver and collect the chair in your area. This is usually an extra charge of £25.
If you are not able to afford the cost of hire per week or want to speak to them you can call 0300 456 1914 for help and support.
Not all the local branches offer equipment hire, and the branches that do sometimes have a waiting list. To hire one contact your local branch. You can find the details of your branch on their website.
Living made easy
Living made easy has a directory of equipment suppliers for wheelchair accessories on their website. This is part of DLF which used to be called the Disabled Living Foundation.
Shopmobility is a scheme which allows you to borrow a wheelchair usually for free in some shopping centres. They are available throughout the UK.
There is a directory you can buy or you can log into a member area on their website to find out the shopping centres, towns and cities involved.
You need to register with them first and they will show you how to use their equipment. You then just book before you need the wheelchair.
Buying your own wheelchair
It’s important to know that you don’t have to pay VAT on a wheelchair if the person you’re buying it for is chronically ill or disabled.
Before you buy a wheelchair, it’s worth getting a referral to the NHS wheelchair service first. That way, a specialist can assess your needs. They may be able to provide you with a wheelchair free of charge or at a reduced cost. Or they could advise you on which one to buy.
Personal Wheelchair Budget
Personal wheelchair budgets have replaced the wheelchair voucher scheme.
The NHS have a frequently asked questions page. There is information there explaining who can get it, how the budget is calculated and other important information.
Living made easy
Living made easy has information about choosing a wheelchair and information about suppliers. You can look on their website for details. You need to choose a wheelchair and click on Your guide to choosing a product.
British Red Cross
The British Red Cross sells a range of wheelchairs. Prices start at around £150 for a basic wheelchair. Details are available on the Red Cross website.