Lowering your risk of lymphoedema

There are several things you can do to lower your risk of lymphoedema after cancer treatment.

Maintaining a healthy weight

Some research suggests that being very overweight can increase your risk of lymphoedema.

Maintaining a healthy weight is part of being fit and well. Try to eat a healthy well balanced diet and exercise regularly.


Exercise helps to encourage lymph flow. Research has found that exercise and movement can help to lower the risk of developing lymphoedema. Most of this evidence comes from research into lymphoedema and breast cancer.

Talk to your physiotherapist or your specialist doctor or nurse before you exercise. They’ll tell you what you can and can’t do after your type of cancer treatment. It is important to build up what you do gradually and get advice if you’re unsure. Check the limb during and after exercising. If you think there are any changes or you have any concerns stop the exercises and contact your lymphoedema specialist.  

Researchers looked at early physiotherapy after breast cancer surgery. They found that it can help to reduce the number of people who develop lymphoedema. The physiotherapy includes exercises that build up movement over time. We need more research to understand more about the benefits of exercise.

Other good exercises include:

  • swimming: use a variety of strokes so you’re not always doing the same movement
  • aerobics: build up gradually if you haven’t done it before. Ask at the gym if there's a fitness instructor trained in helping people who have cancer
  • Tai Chi, yoga and water based exercise. Let your instructor know about your risk of lymphoedema, you may need to make some adjustments to your exercise programme

Skin care

You can help to lower your risk of lymphoedema by looking after your skin. Especially the area where you've had treatment to the lymph nodes. Any trauma, such as cuts and infections, can increase the risk. Sometimes an infection shows as a spreading red area or red streaks along the limb.

To care for your skin you should:

  • wash your skin gently and make sure you dry it completely, paying attention to skin folds
  • moisturise with a non perfumed emollient daily. This helps to prevent the skin from becoming dry and flaky
  • wear insect repellent to avoid bites and stings
  • be careful when you cut your nails to avoid cutting your skin
  • be careful when removing body hair. Using hair removal cream can be better than shaving. But test the cream first on another part of your body
  • avoid extremes of temperature, both hot and cold, and wear a high factor sunscreen to avoid sunburn
  • clean and dry any scratches, burns or cuts. Then apply an antiseptic cream and a plaster
Contact your doctor or specialist nurse immediately if the area becomes swollen, sore, red, and hot. Or you have a high temperature and feel unwell. This is because you might have an infection.

People at risk of developing arm lymphoedema should also:

  • wear gloves when gardening and washing up
  • wear oven gloves to avoid burns when taking things in or out of the oven

Injections and blood tests

Avoid injections and blood tests, where possible, in any part of your body where you've had treatment to your lymph nodes. There is no firm evidence to suggest that having these procedures in the affected area will lead to lymphoedema. But if it can be avoided, it is probably better to do this. This isn't always easy to do, especially if you're having treatment such as chemotherapy or if you need regular blood tests.

Talk to the person who is going to take some blood or give you an injection. It may be necessary to use this area in some situations. 

Taking blood pressure

Where possible, avoid having blood pressure checks on an arm that’s at risk of developing lymphoedema. There isn't strong evidence to support this advice and it may be necessary to use the arm that is at risk sometimes. Speak to your specialist nurse if you have any questions or concerns about this.

Air travel

Research suggests that flying doesn't increase the risk of developing lymphoedema.

Check with your doctor or nurse before flying if you’ve had any early signs of lymphoedema. These signs can include a feeling of heaviness or tightness in a limb. Or you might find that your rings or other jewellery are getting tight.

Your specialist might suggest wearing a compression garment when flying. This can help to prevent further problems if you have had swelling before. 

If you have lymphoedema, wear your compression garment as you usual during the day or as advised by your specialist. 

A compression garment must fit properly, without being too loose or too tight. A trained specialist needs to measure you for a garment.

Evidence suggests not to wear compression garments if you've never had swelling before. They might restrict the flow of lymph and increase the risk of swelling.

When on a flight, move around as much as you can. Circle your ankles and move your legs and arms while you are sitting. This helps lymph fluid to circulate. Deep breathing can also help. It's also important to drink water to keep hydrated.

Tips when you're on holiday

  • Avoid extreme temperatures.
  • Avoid getting sunburned.
  • Use insect repellent.
  • Look after your skin – keep it clean and moisturise it.
  • Clean any cuts, use antiseptic cream, and cover the area.
  • Look out for signs of infection such as redness, soreness, swelling and hotness.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Exercise Guidelines for Cancer Survivors: Consensus Statement from International Multidisciplinary Roundtable

    K Campbell and others

    Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2019. Volume 51, issue 11, pages 2375–2390

  • Breast cancer-related lymphoedema: implications for primary care

    V Harmer

    British Journal of Community Nursing, 2009. Volume 14, Issue 10

  • Effect of air travel on lymphedema risk in women with a history of breast cancer.

    S Kilbreath

    Breast Cancer Research and  Treatment, 2010. Volume,120, Issue 3, Pages 649-465

  • Commissioning Guidance for Lymphoedema Services for Adults in the United Kingdom

    The National Lymphoedema Partnership, 2019

Last reviewed: 
11 Apr 2023
Next review due: 
11 Apr 2026

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