Coping with the news that you are dying

The news that you are going to die soon can be very hard for everyone. You and those around you can go through a range of emotions. Knowing more about what to expect can help you and those around you cope better.

Finding out you are dying

Finding out that you are going to die from your cancer is naturally very distressing. You and your loved ones might experience different emotions.

When other people find out you are dying

When other people find out you're dying with cancer, it can help to know how they might react and how you can talk to them about this.

Supporting children when someone is dying

Children of all ages will probably need a lot of support when someone close to them is dying. It can help to know what they might ask and need.

Talking about dying

Talking about dying can be very difficult and people might avoid the subject. But sharing your feelings can help everyone involved to cope better. 

Last reviewed: 
10 Dec 2024
Next review due: 
10 Dec 2027