How we keep our information up to date
This page sets out our review policy. It includes information about:
who reviews our content and when
reader contributions to Cancer Research UK patient information
our reviewers
a glossary of abbreviations
Who reviews our content and when?
Cancer Research UK has a Patient Information Web team. This team develops all the patient information on the site. They then regularly revise it to keep the information up to date.
New content
The Patient Information Web team write and check all new information. Up to two expert reviewers then read all new sections and pages before they go on the website. They make changes and additions to the text. The Patient Information Web Team then implement these changes.
Expert reviewers include specialists in the subject area such as:
- doctors
- specialist nurses
- other allied health care professionals
Our reviewers are listed below.
Reviewing existing content
For existing content, we have a rolling review programme. We aim to review each section every 2 to 3 years. For most sections on the site, we carry out alternate internal and external reviews.
The Patient Information Web team carry out most internal reviews. Or members of the Cancer Research UK Information Nurse team might do an internal review. Our specialist reviewers carry out the external reviews. They comment on the section and answer questions. The Patient Information Web team then implement these updates.
The team also updates the content between reviews. For example, if there are:
- new National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) or Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) drug guidance
- new drug licensing
- updated treatment guidelines
- major clinical trial results
We also have a team of people affected by cancer (lay reviewers). They review as many sections of the site as possible.
Reader contributions to Cancer Research UK patient information
Please contact us if you are interested in reviewing a section for us if you:
- have had cancer yourself
- are a close friend or relative of someone who has had cancer
There are guidelines for lay reviewers that you can look at. These give you an idea of what we need and how you can help.
Our expert reviewers
Below is a list of the health professionals that help us review our information. The list includes some past reviewers who still kindly help answer occasional questions, as well as current reviewers.
Kathy Abernethy, MClinSci RN, BMS Registered Menopause Specialist
Xianne Aguiar, lead CNS and service manager for the National Gestational Trophoblastic disease service, South East London Cancer Alliance (SELCA)
Clare Akers, Clinical Nurse Practitioner, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Victoria Akhras, MBBS (Hons), BSc (Hons), MRCP, Consultant Dermatologist, St. George's University Hospitals Foundation Trust, London
Mr William Allum, MBChB, MD, FRCS, Consultant in General Surgery, Royal Marsden Hospital (Sutton)
Dr Carmel Anandadas, Breast Consultant Clinical Oncologist, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Miss Amrit Atwal, Haematology/Oncology Pharmacist. University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Lewis Au, FRACP MBBS BMedSci, Cancer Evolution and Genome Instability Laboratory, The Francis Crick Institute and The Skin and Renal Units, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Simon Bailey, MBChB PhD FRCPCH, Professor of Paediatric Neuro Oncology and Consultant Paediatric Oncologist, Great North Childrens Hospital and Newcastle University
Miss Anita Balakrishnan, Consultant Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgeon and Affiliated Assistant Professor, Addenbrooke’s Hospital and Cambridge University
Dr Matthew Banks, PhD, FRCP Associate Professor (Hon), University College London
Mr Sanj Bassi, MB ChB FRCS(Eng) FRCS (NeuroSurg), Consultant Neurosurgeon, King's College Hospital, London
Ms Julie Beckerson, Oncology dietitian, Hammersmith Hospital, London
Dr Sam Behjati, BMBCh, PhD, MRCPCH, Honorary Consultant Paediatric Oncologist, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Alison J Birtle, FRCP FRCR MD DipLCM, Honorary Clinical Professor & Consultant Oncologist, Rosemere Cancer Centre, Royal Preston Hospital
Dr Janine Blaney, PhD, BSc Hons Physiotherapy, MCSP, Lymphoedema Advanced Practitioner Physiotherapist, Cancer Centre, Belfast City Hospital, Belfast
Ms Lynda Bramham, Specialist Nurse in travel health, National Travel Health Network and Centre (NaTHNaC)
Dr Michael Braun, MBChB, FRCP, PhD, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester
Professor Bernadette Brennan, MBChB, MD, FRCPCH, Consultant Paediatric Oncologist, Clinical Director of Research Governance for Manchester University Foundation Trust, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital
Dr John Bridgewater MA, FRCP, PhD, MBBS, Consultant Oncologist, University College London Hospital
Mr. Silviu Buderi, MB ChB, MSc, FRCSEd C-Th, Consultant Thoracic Surgeon, Royal Brompton Hospital
Professor Leslie Bunt, MBE, BA, PGCert.Ed, LGSM(MT), PhD, FAMI, FRSA, Professor in Music Therapy, University of the West of England, Bristol
Dr Amos Burke, MB ChB, PhD, MA, FRCP Edin, FRCPCH, Consultant Paediatric Oncologist at Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge. Associate Lecturer at the University of Cambridge
Miss Josie Cameron, Pg Dip Radiation Oncology, Pg Cert Health Leadership & Management, BSc Radiography (Therapy), DCR(T), Breast Advanced Radiographer Practitioner, Edinburgh Cancer Centre
Dr Dawn Carnell, MBBS BSc MRCP FRCR consultant clinical oncologist head/neck/sinus cancer University College Hospital London
Mr Walter Cazzaniga, MD, FEBU, FRCS, Consultant Urological Surgeon, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, London
Mr Vikas Chadha, MS, FRCS, FRCOphth, Consultant Ocular Oncologist, Scottish Ocular Oncology Service, Tennent Institute of Ophthalmology, Glasgow
Mr Manish Chand, MBBS, BSc, FRCS, FASCRS, MBA, PhD, FHEA, Consultant Robotic Colorectal Surgeon and Associate Professor at University College London
Dharmisha Chauhan, MPharmS(IP), Clin Dip Pharm, mBOPA, Oncology Pharmacist, The Royal Marsden Hospital, London
Dr Onima Chowdhury, BMBCh, DPhil, MRCP FRCPath, Consultant Haematologist, Oxford University Hospitals
Professor Robert Coleman, MBBS, MD, FRCP, FRCPE, Emeritus Professor of Oncology, University of Sheffield
Professor Charlotte Coles, MBChB, MRCP, FRCR, PhD, FMedSci, Professor of Breast Cancer Clinical Oncology, NIHR Research Professor, Honorary Oncology Consultant, University of Cambridge and Cambridge University Hospitals
Dr Pippa Corrie, PhD FRCP, Consultant in Oncology, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge
Lucy Cox, MPharm, PG Dip GPP Specialist Oncology Pharmacist CRUK Information lead
Dr Tom Crosby, MBBS, MRCP, FRCR, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Velindre Hospital, Cardiff
Professor Ramsey Cutress, MB BCh MA PhD FRCS, Consultant Surgeon and Professor of Breast Surgery, University of Southampton and University Hospital Southampton
Pamela Dalrymple, BSc(dist), NMP, Post Grad Cert Advanced Practice, Advanced CNS Lung Cancer, Inverclyde Royal Hospital, Greenock
Dr Ron Daniels, BEM, MBChB, FRCA, FFICM, FRCPEd, Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Brian Davidson, MBChB, MD, FRCS, Consultant HPB and liver transplant surgeon, Royal Free Hospital, London
Elizabeth Davies, BSs (hons) PG Dip, IP, Consultant Pharmacist Haematology, Manchester university NHS Foundation Trust
Catrina Davy, Cancer Information Specialist, University College London Hospital (UCLH)
Dr Claire Dearden, BSc MBBS MD FRCP FRCPath, Consultant Haematologist, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, and The Institute of Cancer Research
Mr Debasish Debnath, MS, DNB, FRCSGlasg, FRCSEd, FRCSEng, MD (Aberdeen), PGCertMedEd (Dundee), FHEA, FRCS Gen, Consultant Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgeon, First Trust Hospital, Preston, UK. Honorary Clinical Lecturer, University of Liverpool
Sophie Deppe, Myeloma Clinical Nurse Specialist, Kings College Hospital, London
Dr Saoirse Dolly, BSC, MBBS, MRCP, PhD, Consultant Medical Oncologist, Guys and St Thomas, London
Dr Nigel Dowdall, Head of Aviation Health Unit, West Sussex
Dr Theodoulos Drousiotis, MD, BSc (Hons), MRCP, Senior Clinical Fellow, St John’s Institute of Dermatology at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Mr Nick Duncan MRPharmS, Haematology Pharmacist, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham
Dr Amy Eccles, MA MB BChir (Cantab), FRCR, PG Dip. Consultant Radionuclide Radiologist, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Helen Eftekhari, MRES, MSC (ANP), NMP, BSC (Hons), RGN, British Heart Foundation PhD nurse fellow UHCW & University of Warwick
Dr Gemma Eminowicz, MBChB, MRCP, FRCR, MD(Res), Consultant Clinical Oncologist, London
Dr Christopher J. Etheridge, PhD MCPP, MRSC CChem DoIC ARCS BSc (Hons) Chem BSc (Hons) Phyto, President, European Herbal & Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association
Mrs Sarah Evans, Make up artist
Dr Rob Finch, Chief Executive, The Royal College of Chiropractors, Reading
Malene Fischer, MD, PhD, DMSci Senior Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant, School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences KCL, St Thomas' Hospital
Mr Jason Fleming, Consultant Head and Neck/Thyroid Surgeon, Liverpool Head and Neck Centre
Dr Claire Forde, MB Bch BAO, MRCP, Consultant in Clinical Genetics, Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine.
Mrs Laura Foster, BSc Radiotherapy, Advance Practice Radiographer- PDT lead specialist, The Christie Hospital, Manchester
Dr Daljit Gahir, MBChB, MRCP, MSc, FRCR, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Royal Stoke University Hospital
Dr Mark Gaze, MD, FRCP, FRCR Consultant clinical oncologist, University College London Hospital
Mr Ajith George, Consultant Head and Neck Surgeon, Senior Clinical Lecturer Keele Medical School, Medical Director Endoscope-I Ltd
Mr Craig Gerrand, MBChB, MD, FRCSEd, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, RNOH, Stanmore, Middlesex
Dr D Gilligan, BSc, MB, BChir, MRCP, FRCR, Consultant Oncologist, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge
Professor Vincent J Gnanapragasam, BMedSci, MBBS, FRCS FRCSEdUrol, MA, PhD, Professor of Urology, University of Cambridge
Rosina Marie Goldsmith RN, BSc ( Hons), PGDip, Palliative Care Clinical Nurse Specialist, St Christopher’s Hospice
Professor Larry Goodyer, Head of the Leicester School of Pharmacy
Ms Lorraine Grover, RGN, DipPST, Clinical Nurse Therapist in Sexual Well-being, London
Mrs Angie Hack, Senior Lecturer, London South Bank University
Rebecca Hallam, MSc, HEE AP, BA(Hons) Nursing , Advanced Clinical Practitioner in BMT and IEC, University Hospital Bristol and Weston NHS
Dr Angela Halley, MBBS BSc MSc MRCP, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Royal Marsden Hospital
Natalie Harris, Dietician, Royal Marsden Hospital
Professor C Harrison, BM, BCh, MD, FRCP, FRCPath, DM, Professor of myeloproliferative neoplasms, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Ms Trina Herbert, Therapy Radiographer, Royal Marsden Hospital
Dr Jan Hoong Ho, MBChB, MRCP, PhD. Consultant Endocrinologist, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester
Professor Beverley Hunt, Professor of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Guy & St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London
Dr Wendy Ingram, Consultant Haematologist, The University Hospital of Wales
Dr Sarah Jefferies, BSc, MB BS, MRCP, FRCR, PhD, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Cambridge
Emily John, Lead CAR-T Clinical Nurse Specialist, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and Cellular Therapy Clinical Nurse Specialist, Anthony Nolan.
Professor Robin L Jones, BSc, MB, Consultant Medical Oncologist, Royal Marsden Hospital, and Institute of Cancer Research
Miss Sonali Kaushik, MD FRCOG, Consultant in Gynaecological Oncology, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Christian Kelly-Morland, Consultant Radiologist, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Cancer Imaging King’s College London School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Science
Dr Jonathan Kennedy, MBBS, BSc, MRCPCH, Clinical Research Fellow, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, Wellcome Sanger Institute, Hinxton
Mr Sadaquate Khan, MBChB, MD, FRCS (NS), Consultant Neurosurgeon and Spinal Surgeon, Edinburgh
Dr Eleni Ladikou, BSc(Hons), MBChB, MRes, MRCP(UK), PhD, Haematology Specialty Trainee, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust
Ms Clare Lait, BSc(Hons), MCSP, Specialist MSK Oncology Physiotherapist, Berkshire Healthcare Foundation NHS Trust
Dr Kate Lankester, BM BCh FRCR PhD Consultant in Clinical Oncology, Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton
Professor James Larkin, MA MSc PhD, Consultant Medical Oncologist, Royal Marsden Hospital, London
Professor Siow Ming Lee, PhD FRCP. Consultant and Professor of Medical Oncology, University College London Hospital and CRUK Lung Cancer Centre of Excellence, London
Dr Caroline Leek BSc MSc PhD FRSA. Director and Founder of the Fruitfly Collective
Dr Mark Lewis, MBBS MRCS FRCR, Consultant Interventional Radiologist, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS trust
Mr Eric Lim, MB ChB MSc MD FRCS, Consultant Thoracic Surgeon, Royal Brompton Hospital, London
Ms Nicola Lister, Bone MarrowTransplant Coordinator, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham
Professor Simon Lloyd, BSc(Hons), MPhil, FRCS(ORL-HNS) Professor of Otology and Skull Base Surgery, University of Manchester, and Consultant Otologist, Skull Base Surgeon and Auditory Implant Surgeon, Central Manchester NHS Foundation Trust and Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Dame Valerie J Lund DBE CBE MBBS MS FRCS FRCSEd DMHon FACSHon, Professor Emeritus in Rhinology, UCL & Honorary Consultant ENT Surgeon, UCLH
Dr P Mahendra MD FRCP FRCPath, Consultant Haematologist, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham.
Dr Guy Maissis, DClinPsy, Service lead Clinical Psychologist, Royal Free Hospital, London
Dr Wasat Mansoor, MBChB, MRCP, PhD, Consultant Medical Oncologist, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester
Marta Marchetti, RGN, BSc (Hons), MSc (Urology SCP), Urology and Robotics Surgical Care Practitioner, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust (Chelsea)
Rebecca Martin, RN, MSc, BSc (hons), NIP, Lead Nurse Uro-Oncology, The Royal Marsden NHS FT, London
Dr Andrew McGregor, BSc (Hons), MB ChB (Hons), PGCert Clin Ed, PGDip Genomic med, MRCP (UK), FRCPath. Consultant Haematologist, The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dr ARL Medford, MBChB BSc(Hons) MD FRCP FRCPE FCCP FAPSR FEFIM FHEA PgDip(EBUS) Dip(Clin Risk Mgt), Consultant & Honorary Senior Lecturer in Respiratory Medicine, North Bristol NHS Trust
Mr Nigel Mercer, MB ChB, ChM, FRCS (Eng.), FRCPCH, FFFMLM, LLM, FRCS (Ed. ad hominem), Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, 58 Queen Square, Bristol
Zoe Merchant,MSc MRCOT (Specialist Occupational Therapist), AHP Clinical Lead for the Greater Manchester (GM) Prehab4cancer and recovery programme, GM Targeted Lung Health Check Programme Manager, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Rowan E Miller, MA MBBS MRCP PHD, Consultant Medical Oncologist , University College London and Barts Hospitals
Mr D Mirza, MS FRCS (ED), FRCS (GLASGOW), Consultant Hepatobiliary Surgeon, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham
Dr Claire Mitchell, MBBS, MRCP(UK), PhD, PG Dip. Consultant Medical Oncologist, Christie Hospital, Manchester
Dr John Moppett, Consultant Paediatric Haematologist, University Hospitals Bristol, NHS Foundation Trust
Fabiola Morales-Azofra, Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurse, University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust
Amanda Naylor, DipHE Adult - Macmillan Head and Neck Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Milton Keynes University Hospital
Lisa Nicholson, DipHE adult Nursing, NMP, Macmillan Gynae Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals
Alia Nizam, MPharm, PG Dip GPP, Darzi Fellow, Specialist Oncology Pharmacist CRUK Information Lead
Professor Simon Noble, Clinical Professor Palliative Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff
Professor Christopher Nutting, BSc, MBBS, FRCP, FRCR, Hon FRCSLT MD, PhD, FIPEM, FRSB, FInstP, FBIR, FMedSci, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Royal Marsden Hospital
Dr Catherine Oakley, PhD, Mphil, MSc, BSc, RGN, Nurse Consultant, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London
Ms Ingela Oberg, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge
Joy Odili, MBChB MD FRCS(Plast), Consultant Plastic Surgeon and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Skin Cancer Clinical Lead, St Georges University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Kai Ren Ong, MBBChir, MD, MRCP, Consultant in Clinical Genetics, West Midlands Regional Genetics Service, Birmingham Women’s Hospital
Professor Daniel Palmer, BSc, MBChB, FRCP, PhD, Professor of Medical Oncology, University of Liverpool and Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, Liverpool
Dr H Pandha, MB, ChB PhD MRCP FRACP, Consultant in Oncology, St George’s Hospital, London
Jo Parkes, MRPharmS, PgClinDip, IPresc, MSc of Science – Advanced Clinical Practice. Lead Specialist Pharmacist Practitioner - Oncology and Chemotherapy Education and a Advanced Clinical Practitioner in Oncology, Worcestershire Acute NHS Trust.
Mr Arie Parnham MBChB, FRCS(Urol), Consultant Urologist and Andrologist, The Christie Hospital, Manchester
Dr N Parry-Jones, MD, MRCP, MRCPath, Consultant Haematologist, Nevill Hall Hospital, Abergavenny
Ms Poonam Patel, MRPharmS, PG Dip GPP, IP, Lead Pharmacist – Private Care, The Royal Marsden Hospital, London
Dr Piers Patten, MB, ChB, MRCP, FRCPath, PhDClinical, Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Haematologist, Kings College Hospital, London
Hazel Pennington, Lead Operational Radiographer - Protons, Christie Hospital, Manchester
Sam Penry, MA, PGCert, BSc(Hons), FHEA, MAcadMEd, Lecturer in Diagnostic Imaging and Senior Diagnostic Radiographer, City, University of London
Mr Matthew Perry MD BSc FRCS (urol), Consultant Urological Surgeon, St George's Hospital, London
Professor Sanjay Popat, BSc MBBS PhD FRCP, Consultant Medical Oncologist, Royal Marsden Hospital, Professor of Thoracic Oncology, Institute of Cancer Research
Mrs Susy Pramod, PGCert CliRes, BSc, RGN, Lead Nurse Tissue Viability, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester
Professor Guy Pratt, MB, BChir, MD, FRCP, FRCPath, Consultant Haematologist, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Dr John Ramage, MD, MB BS, FRCP, Consultant Physician in Gastroenterology and Hepatology, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London
Francesco M.G. Riva, MD, FRCS, Head and Neck & Reconstrucitve Associate Specialist, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, London
Dr Richard Roope, MA, MSc, AFOM, MFMLM, FRCGP, Wessex Rapid Investigation service GP and Cancer Research UK Primary Care Adviser
Dr Clare Rowntree, Consultant Haematologist for the University Hospital of Wales
Dr Antonio Rullan, PhD, Postdoctoral Clinical Research Fellow, Head and Neck Research Unit, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Mandeep S Sagoo, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Moorfields Eye Hospital & Barts Health NHS Trust, London
Dr Mark Saunders, MBBS, MRCP, FRCR, PhD, Consultant Oncologist, Christie Hospital, Manchester
Dr Matthew Seager, MBChB, MRCS, FRCR, EBIR, Consultant Interventional Radiologist, King’s College Hospital, London
Professor Richard Shaw, MD FCRS(OMFS) FDSRCSEng, Professor of Head and Neck Surgery, Liverpool Head and Neck Centre
Mr Michal Sladkowski, MPharm, PG Dip, IP, Advanced Oncology Pharmacist, Cancer Care Centre - York Hospital, York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Mr Myles Smith, MB BCh BAO (NUIG, Ireland), PhD (UCC, Ireland), FRCSI, FRCS, Consultant Surgical Oncologist and General Surgeon, Royal Marsden Hospital, London
Patricia Stanley, Welfare Rights Advisor, Royal Marsden Hospital, London
Dr Andrea Stevens, MBBS, MRCP, FRCR, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham
Ms Jan Stewart, Co-Chair, Confederation of Registered Essence Practitioners (COREP), London
Mr Dirk Strauss, FCS(SA), M.Med.(Surg), FRCS (Gen Surg), Consultant Surgeon Sarcoma/Melanoma Unit, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Jacqui Stringer, PHD, BSc, RGN, MIFPA, Clinical Lead for Supportive Care Services, Christie Hospital, Manchester
Dr Santhanam Sundar, MBBS, MRCP, MSc, FRCR, Consultant Oncologist, Nottingham
Joanna Thomson, Registered Nurse, Lower GI oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist, Guys Hospital, London
Dr Alexander L. Tournier, BSc Cantab PhD LCHE RSHom, Executive Director, Homeopathy Research Institute, London
Dr William Townsend, MBChB, MRCP, FRCPath, MD(res), Consultant Haematologist, University College London Hospitals
Professor Maxine GB Tran, MBBS PhD FRCS (Urol), Professor in Urology and Honorary Consultant Urology Surgeon, UCL Department of Surgical Biotechnology
Ms Jeanne Trill, BSc (Hons), MSc, Medical Herbalist and Reflexologist, Surrey
Mr George Ttouli, ALIA (dip), MSFA, Independent Financial Advisor, London
Jan Turner-Wilson, Oxygen and Respiratory Nurse Specialist, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Deborah Tweddle, BSc (Hons), MB ChB (Hons), PhD, FRCPCH, Professor of Paediatric Oncology & Honorary Consultant in Paediatric & Adolescent Oncology, Newcastle University and Great North Children’s Hospital, Newcastle
Ms Margaret Vance, Nurse Consultant in Gastroenterology, St Mark's Hospital
Professor Tze Min Wah, PhD, MSc, MBChB, FRCR, EBIR, FESUR, FCIRSE, FHEA, Pg Cert. Clin Educ., Professor of Interventional Radiology, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust and Leeds Institute of Medical Research, University of Leeds
Dr L Wall, Consultant Medical Oncologist, Edinburgh Cancer Centre, Edinburgh
Dr Sophie Caroline Weatherhead, MBBS, BSC, MRCP, PhD, Consultant Dermatologist, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Maxene Wickwar, Support and information nurse specialist, University College London Hospital (UCLH)
Michele Wood, Art Therapist at Marie Curie Hospice (Hampstead) and co-ordinator of the Special Interest Group (SIG) of the British Association of Art Therapists
Dr Matthew Young, MD, FRCPC, Genito Urinary Oncology Fellow, Barts Cancer Institute
Dr Nadia Yousaf, MBBS MRCP MBA MD, Consultant Thoracic Medical Oncologist, The Royal Marsden Hospital
Glossary of abbreviations
Abbreviation | Meaning |
AFBPsS | Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society |
AFOM | Associate of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine |
ALIA | Associate of the Life Insurance Association |
BA | Bachelor of Arts |
BChir | Bachelor of Surgery |
BDS | Bachelor of Dental Surgery |
BPharm | Bachelor of Pharmacy |
BPhil | Bachelor of Philosophy |
BSc | Bachelor of Science |
ChM | Master of Surgery |
CPsychol | Chartered Psychologist |
CQSW | Certificate of Qualification in Social Work |
DLO | Diploma in Laryngology and Otology |
DNC | Certificate in District Nursing |
DNurs | Doctor of Nursing |
DTMH | Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene |
FDS RCPS | Fellowship of Dental Surgery, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons |
FRCP | Fellow of Royal College of Physicians |
FRCGP | Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners |
FRCPath | Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists |
FRCPCH | Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health |
FRCR | Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists |
FRCS | Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons |
FRCS (OMFS) | Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) |
JP | Justice of the Peace |
MA | Master of Arts |
MB | Bachelor of Medicine |
MBBS | Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Science |
MBChB | Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery |
MBChir | Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery |
MClinRes | Master of Clinical Research |
MD | Doctor of Medicine |
MEd | Master of Education |
MFMLM | Member of the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management |
MPH | Master of Public Health |
MPhil | Master of Philosophy |
MRCGP | Member of the Royal College of General Practitioners |
MRCOG | Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
MRCP | Member of the Royal College of Physicians |
MRCPath | Member of the Royal College of Pathologists |
MRPharmS | Member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society |
MS | Master of Surgery |
MSc | Master of Science |
MSFA | Member of the Society of Financial Advisers |
NMP | Non Medical Prescriber |
ONC | Certificate in Oncology Nursing |
PGCE | Postgraduate Certificate of Education |
PhD | Doctor of Philosophy |
RD | Registered Dietitian |
RGN | Registered General Nurse |
RHV | Registered Health Visitor |
RM | Registered Midwife |
SCP | Surgical Care Practitioner |
SRD | State Registered Dietitian |
SRN | State Registered Nurse |